Monday, December 17, 2007


26 years old and counting and if i do my maths right I'll be 27 next year. If i even digress with further calculations, I'll be 30 by 2011. That's great. 2011 shall be a great year. Well every year is a great year. I know, cos I'm the all knowing, all thinking and all knowingggggggg zen dentist of nebula 32. I don't really know why i type that? I'm crappy.

2007 coming to an end and like any great writers of the 21st century i shall recall the events that happen within this year, montage like and with teary eye even. Sob Sob.

Cafe del mar. I must admit, I've learn a lot from that place. Met great friends, leaders that i can mould myself into and political situations that was and still is a fun game to me.

B1, Terry and Kathi has given me great insights on the options i can use in leading people. One is damn committed, so much so that a random attack to the heart still won't stop him from coming to work. The other is very supportive, hard working and has a mammoth wealth of knowledge. Very good in his people skill as well. The last is a great leader in motivating, safe mode, aggressive mode and the many modes that can be use in an organization like cafe del mar. It's all about the modes man. And one thing i find in common with all of them is that they're humble, sincere and has been through tough times and gotten out of it alive.

Friends i met that is an inspiration to me, open up my minds to new skills of communicating to people and are of a high pedigree are few and far between in cafe del mar.

Take songster for example. I see a lot of myself in him when i was 17 or 19. Almost freakishly similar in many ways. We are great communicators, some what petty most of the time, great listener and has the knack of influencing people to certain degrees. But the most obvious difference is the way we look and interact with ladies. He is dangerously outgoing to ladies whereas I'm more shy and overly caring to them. Well with that said he is a damn good friend to have. Cheers to you mate. Next year dude, next year the dizzy and songster show will take off!! I sincerely hope.

Than there's Mez. Learn a hell lot from him about the bar and service from conversation as broad as communicating to operations to efficiency. I feel that he is under appreciated most of the times though. He can be one of the greatest leader in FnB i must say. I hope he'll be fucking successful in his career and get what he truly deserve. Seriously. It will be a waste of talent if he gives up. I'll pray man, I'll pray.

Beili. Bar captain and a very capable fella. He taught me that being nice is sometimes workable in this industry. I think without him i might have quit long time ago. And this dude is a fucking hard working capitan. Great potential to be working with someday other than cafe del mar i foresee.

Nadia rawtner the change giver. Change as in coins (hahaha). She's one of the rare thinkers that I've met in my life. I don't totally agree with everything that she says especially about the feminism thing but hey everybody has a different view on how a Utopian like world will look. But she's unique, views from love to cultures to work has help me in broadening my dichotomy on how life functions to different people. In my hearts of hearts i wish that she will get what she wants somewhere in the near future. Was being an editor one of them? I can't recall.

POLITICS. A public secret in cafe del mar. I love politics because it keeps me on my toes. How do you get a fuck up manager to shut his gap and to stop power tripping? Who do you mix with, the influencers or the low profilers? Do you make known you capabilities now or later? When do you attack and when do you retreat? The best time to scream at your staff and how do you get them to stay motivated still? How to get people to watch your back? Why showing weakness is sometimes good?

And a whole lot more still. I truly believe that being politically incline in an organization is a MUST. The nay Sayers will definitely object stating that it's a total detriment of empowerment and positive development.

But knowing in history that even Mohammad, prophet of Islam uses politics to impart the fundamentals of Islam to his people and to get them in Islam. Jesus too. Parents too are political, how do i get my kids to a good school? How to show my son that I'm not favouring big sister when an argument happens?

When you go to a coffee shop you are also being political in a way. Which store do i choose? What do i want to eat? I hate this store it gave me bad service, but i love the food though, damn, how?

So looking back at 2007 it's was a great ride. 2 more token for the new ride of 2008. Buckle your seat belt, it's time for me to whether the storm!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for including me in your post.

That 'feminism thing' you were talking about..I am assuming you're refering to that particular day which I decided to go around asking the men what women meant to them. It wasn't feminism.
That my ideals are somewhat utopian, perhaps. Then again, if we don't strive towards idealism (whether we manage to accomplish it successfully or not), how else do we live?
I can find no other reason.
Perhaps here, among us, what makes the difference in the choices we make lies in our basic and most fundamental belief in the meaning of existance, hence, holding the paramount significance.

That aside, I read the line: "I truly believe that being politically incline in an organization is a MUST. The nay Sayers will definitely object stating that it's a total detriment of empowerment and positive development."
It hit home.
Do you sometimes wish that you could be sovereign from the perplexity of these political disorders? I do. Only, it remains inevitable and evading it isn't so much of a gurantee for survival afterall. So let the pessimists dwell on their fears, I say.