Friday, December 21, 2007

"Do you sometimes wish that you could be sovereign from the perplexity of these political disorders? I do. Only, it remains inevitable and evading it isn't so much of a guarantee for survival after all. So let the pessimists dwell on their fears, I say." -Nadia

Communism is a theoretical and practical concept that promotes establishment of a classless, stateless society based on common ownership. Now with that said, i believe in two things.

One being that for everything in life, every views, every system or/and every situations, has in it it's own way, a negative or positive effect on the consequence thereafter, hence the Newton's law that every action has an equal or opposite reaction.

Second is, i don't believe that one singular model, system, way, rule, technique or idea will assist in achieving results within the realm of a target or goal that one is out to achieve.

Before i continue, i shall make an assertion in regards to the definition of politics. Politics is a social relation involving authority or power and it refers to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policies. So what does policy means?

A policy is a deliberate plan of action to guide decisions and achieve rational outcome. And rational being?

Rationality as a term is related to the idea of reason. Reason to who/what, for who/what?

Now that depends.

For example. Political awareness is a good tool to have. You soak in episodes of conversation, reaction or ideas that has already been implemented. Just soaking it in. Imputing data into your mind. Digesting and to just be present.

Now political awareness with emotions for example. Let say negative emotions. You start soaking in the same conversation, reactions and ideas, not only soaking it in but soaking it in with jealousy, guilt, hatred or pain. You not only end up digesting and imputing those information. You are most likely to leave, attack or kill yourself once the alchemy has taken full flight.

As the saying goes. Do not use a fruit knife or a chainsaw to cut meat. Use a cleaver. Meaning that out of so many tools to be politically incline please choose the right one and for the right reasons. Great power comes with great responsibility. So if you can fly please respect the skies and not block the aeroplanes from landing.

So if i have complete control and supreme authority on this matter would i be a communist like leader? Depending on the situation the best way is to have no way. So to the nay Sayers, the most that we can do to them is to create awareness to be politically incline and that the reason for their demise is simply because they are playing the game wrong, following the wrong rules, hitting the wrong targets and for crying out loud; stop peeing on the referees for once!

So to Nadia. There's no sure way on hitting the right notes for the different genres or even sometimes to defend or argue with the people who hides under their own feaces only to pop their heads out every once in awhile and scream "THATS NOT RIGHT", "YOU ARE A FOOL TO THINK" or "I TOLD YOU SO" because to me the one way and the only way is to just carrying on singing.

Singing for the greater good of humanity. For me although i'm not a great example to begin with. I shall sing to the greater good for the minds of humanity.


Adrian said...

Chimonology. I shall have to read and reread it before i fully understand the complexity of this msg. haha

Anonymous said...

To the last paragrapgh: *bows*